Pre and Post Nuptial Agreements
In February 2014 the Office for National Statistics reported that forty two percent of marriages will end in divorce. Divorce can be extremely difficult for all involved and disputes about financial matters can increase acrimony.
A pre or post nuptial agreement is certainly not romantic; it does however offer the following benefits:
- If one of the spouses is bringing wealth into the marriage, it can offer that party protection.
- It can safeguard future inheritance.
- It can provide certainty if the marriage does break down.
- It can allow couples who wish to keep their financial affairs separate to marry in the comfort that they have financial autonomy.
- Whilst not legally binding, the landmark case of Radmacher means that the Court is likely to uphold such agreement providing certain criteria are met.
If you wish to discuss such an agreement further, please do not hesitate to contact us for an initial discussion in confidence.